As a speaker you should try to be the focus of your audience. The mission of your power point should be to support your statements not steal the center of attention.
PPT的目的是支持你的演讲, 而不是从你身上抢走听众注意力
If you provide too much information on your presentation people will get distracted trying to read or understand your content. They will lose interest in you and whatever you're saying.
太多的内容只会让你的听众分心, 难以理解你的内容
The speaker gives the details, not the graphic.
细节和内容是靠演讲者说, 而不是把文本展示到PPT上
Very few words.
Simple facts.
Big graphics with minimal text.
Smaller letters to clarify the data.
一个大标题, 下面一小段文字描述就行, 最多两排
Few colors.
- Get well prepared on the subject but do not memorize your sentences.
不要记句子, 而是准备好相关内容
- Be passionate, talk as if you are telling a story.
有激情, 就像是在讲故事
- Connect with your audience and be the main point of focus.
和听众建立连接, 成为注意力的中心
- And use simple slides with images, charts and key words as a supporting tool.
PPT上的图文要极简, 作为辅助就行